OpenIDEO Challenge and Interview: Cultivating Creative Confidence

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OpenIDEO Challenge and Interview: Cultivating Creative Confidence

I was one of a small group attending in person a Google Hangout this morning hosted by OpenIDEO to discuss their current Open Challenge: How might we inspire young people to cultivate their creative confidence?  Open IDEO has created a number of these challenges, where educators are invited to post inspirational events, ideas, connections, and aspirations, which then go through a community viewing, comment, review, scrub, and evaluation…all of it open to all.  Check it out and have your teachers and students participate with colleagues from around the world while sharing in a free and open marketplace of idea innovation!

One of the issues I pushed them on during our conversation was this: the process and mindset that many of us, including IDEO, know will increase student engagement and awareness is still a mystery to many (most) educators.  The real challenge involves bringing this to scale, and in order to do that, we need to know the challenges with even more clarity than we know the opportunity. This is basic “knowing the ground/enemy” (the problem) from both the Art of War and The Falconer.  Hopefully we will have increased connections between the thought leaders like IDEO and those in the K-12 trenches.

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