Vision and Strategy

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Culture of Innovation is Built With Little Chunks of Time

Think of all the discussions, decisions, work, and meetings and that take up "free" time at school, those precious prep periods and colleague collaboration windows that you have managed to carve out of the busy school day.  Imagine those times as forming a cube.  That cube is packed full, right?  You are not wasting any of that time [...]

Power of Logic Models in Leading School Change

Do changes at your school follow any logical model? Or do things happen because some one or group have the pull or push to make them happen?  Is change intentional, or do you get the sense that "we are going to throw a lot of stuff against a wall and see what sticks"? Logic models are [...]

Following a Shared Vision Does NOT Mean We Share Compass Headings

If the end point is the same, but we all start from a different place, what does that say about our paths to success? I have increasingly used the metaphor of a "North Star" around which schools can build a shared vision of where they want to get to in terms of "great learning".  We [...]

Can Simple Rules Overcome Fear of the Unknown?

Can a few simple rules guide our personal and professional decision pathways?  Can they help alleviate the fear that I am going to leap into a bottomless chasm of future uncertainty?  Can they get us past the chokepoints of inertia that stand in the way of following a true passion? I think so.  A few [...]

Is Leadership Transition the Weak Link of School Innovation?

Two remarkable, leading schools I know of are undergoing leadership changes.  Many people have spent time, treasure, and, most importantly, professional risk capital to lever these schools off of the a worn out path and on to visionary trajectories of the future of learning.  Now comes the test: will these schools survive a leadership transition [...]

Hewlett Foundation Announces Big Push in Open Educational Resources

Why does your school community still charge itself for expensive textbooks when fully accredited resources are available for free?  For some schools the answer is simple: they are controlled by local and state requirements to use certain books.  For other schools where these overly prescriptive regulations do not apply, news out of the Hewlett Foundation [...]

Is This the Wheel? Required Reading for School Innovation Teams

THE most critical element on the path to school innovation is to align precious resources with a forward leaning vision.  If your school recognizes the need for innovation, for changing the assembly line model of learning, it is NOT enough to just talk about it. Sooner or later your customers will realize the disconnect between [...]

Does Your School Really Serve Jane?

Let’s call her Jane. I met her last night. Jane is a white 9th grader from a well-to-do New York City family who attends what we all would call an “elite” independent high school. Her parents passionately believe in the power of a good education, as well as a well-rounded and balanced life. Jane has [...]